Who is God?
How did God create things?
What does God say?
What is the problem with this world?
Who is Jesus?
What does God require?
What is the Gospel?
How does God save people from their sin?
Who is the Holy Spirit?
How is God glorified?
What is the Church?
What is Baptism and Communion?
How will God’s people live?
How will God make all things new?
Who is Jesus? Why does it matter? Jesus is God the Son who came into human history to make right what man had done wrong. Jesus came and succeeded where man had always and would always fail. Jesus, in his life, death, and resurrection, takes away sin and makes righteous all who come to him through faith. Find out more here.
What is the local church supposed to be all about? Answer: Jesus. Jesus started the church, leads the church, plants local churches, appoints pastors to love and lead local churches, strengthens churches, and loves the church. Find out more here.
Did Jesus’ death accomplish more than a possibility for man’s salvation? Does God draw us in an efficacious way to believe on Jesus? Once saved, is man kept secure by God’s grace and faithfulness? We believe God is sovereign in salvation and that all of this is true. We believe it because God says it is true in His Word, the Bible. Man needs grace. God gives grace.