1. Read verse 14. What does Paul mean by “natural person”? What does the “natural person…not accept”? What are “the things of the Spirit of God,” that Paul refers to? Why does the natural man not accept them, according to verse 14? How does this verse highlight the radical depravity of man? Do you praise God, believer, that you now freely accept God’s Law and Gospel?
2. Read verse 15. What does Paul mean by “the spiritual person judges all things, but is himself to be judged by no one”? How does the end of verse 16 help clarify?
3. Read verse 16. What passage of Scripture does Paul quote? Does “we have the mind of Christ” mean that saints already understand everything? Does it mean we do not need teachers? Does it mean Bible study is easy? How do Deuteronomy 29:29, Ephesians 4:11-12, and 2 Timothy 2:15 help clarify? How is Luke 24:45 an illustration of what Paul is really getting at in this verse?