1 Praise ye the Lord, the Lord’s name praise;
his servants, praise ye God.
2 Who stand in God’s house, in the courts
of our God make abode.
3 Praise ye the Lord, for he is good;
unto him praises sing:
Sing praises to his name, because
it is a pleasant thing.
4 For Jacob to himself the Lord
did chuse of his good pleasure,
And he hath chosen Israel
for his peculiar treasure.
5 Because I know assuredly
the Lord is very great,
And that our Lord above all gods
in glory hath his seat.
6 What things soever pleas’d the Lord,
that in the heav’n did he,
And in the earth, the seas, and all
the places deep that be.
7 He from the ends of earth doth make
the vapours to ascend;
With rain he lightnings makes, and wind
doth from his treasures send.
8 Egypt’s first-born, from man to beast
9 who smote. Strange tokens he
On Phar’oh and his servants sent,
Egypt, in midst of thee.
10 He smote great nations, slew great kings:
11 Sihon of Heshbon king,
And Og of Bashan, and to nought
did Canaan’s kingdoms bring:
12 And for a wealthy heritage
their pleasant land he gave,
An heritage which Israel,
his chosen folk, should have.
13 Thy name, O Lord, shall still endure,
and thy memorial
With honour shall continu’d be
to generations all.
14 For why? the righteous God will judge
his people righteously;
Concerning those that do him serve,
himself repent will he.
15 The idols of the nations
of silver are and gold,
And by the hands of men is made
their fashion and mould.
16 Mouths have they, but they do not speak;
eyes, but they do not see;
17 Ears have they, but hear not; and in
their mouths no breathing be.
18 Their makers are like them; so are
all that on them rely.
19 O Isr’el’s house, bless God; bless God,
O Aaron’s family.
20 O bless the Lord, of Levi’s house
ye who his servants are;
And bless the holy name of God,
all ye the Lord that fear.
21 And blessed be the Lord our God
from Sion’s holy hill,
Who dwelleth at Jerusalem.
The Lord O praise ye still.