I. The certainty of our glorification (v.6)
II. The rightness of our confidence (v.7a)
III. The strength to stare down affliction (v.7b)
I. What is Paul sure of in verse 6? Who is the “he” in verse 6? What will “he” do? What does Paul mean by “began a good work in you”? What does he mean by “will bring it to completion”? What is “the day of Jesus Christ”? How does Romans 8:28-30 help clarify?
II. In verse 7, why does Paul say “It is right for me to feel this way about you”? *hint. Notice the word “because.” What does Paul mean by “I hold you in my heart”? How does 2 Corinthians 7:2-4 help clarify? What do you think Paul means by “for you are all partakers with me of grace, both in my imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel”?