1. Read verses 1-10. What marks Deborah as a person? How does she view the word of God (see verse 6)? Though Deborah is a judge over the people of Israel, who is to do the fighting?
  2. Read verses 11-16. What does Deborah exhort Barak to put his trust in when it comes to fighting and victory (see verse 14)? What else stands out to you in these verses and why?
  3. Read verses 17-24. Of what significance is it that Jael killed Sisera rather than some mighty man of valor? What else stands out to you in these verses and why? Who is ultimately given the credit for subduing Jaban the king of Canaan (see verse 23)?
  4. Read chapter 5, the song of Deborah and Barak. What can we learn from this song?

Ekklesia Muskogee is a reformed baptist church that gathers for worship in Muskogee, Oklahoma. We confess the 1689 second London baptist confession of faith. We affirm the five solas of the Reformation as well as the doctrines of grace (otherwise known as the five points of Calvinism), and each of our pastors would not be ashamed to be called a Calvinist. We are a church led by elders, of which there is a plurality (also called pastors and overseers in the Scriptures). Our mission is to make disciples, love cities, and plant churches.